Rina Maimon


Rina Maimon is an Israeli born painter with international colors, bold perceptions, unique sarcastic humor and Pop-Art extravaganza. She uses out of the box point of view to portrait sometime naive and sometime parody.

Born in 1989, Tel-Aviv and held her first paint brush almost since then. Her parents (The international painter, Isaac Maimon and her mother, A drama teacher) were a big influence and encouraged her creativity. At 4 years old she started assisting her father in his studio learning the basics and making her first experimentation's with colors and compositions.

At the age of 18, she started studying art at Avni Institute.

At the age of 24 held her first solo exhibition at Blue Gallery, Miami Florida.

In her work Rina succeeds at combining sophisticated critic on society and unique humor by showing us colorful figures embracing their uniqueness and celebrating doing so.

Rina`s work can be found in different galleries and hotels around the world.


Orit Fuchs


Roman Gulman