Roman Gulman


Roman was born in Kiev Ukraine, there he studied the arts until he moved to Israel. His Design and arts studies in Israel were at “Askola” College of Design. Roman has filled many positions as a graphic designer, art director and brand designer of some of the leading product and services companies in Israel. In the last few years Roman has returned to his first love – painting.

In his childhood he was exposed to the magical world of the impressionist stream, and as a student of the arts, he fell deeply in love with the style. He focuses on Russian influences and French Impressionists. Until this day you can feel this influence on his works especially in the color pallet and the expressive delivery.

In Roman’s works you can see how people’s day to day reality is reflected in their slightly exposed human nature. His works are not criticism of reality or a creation of a new one, but rather a study or reflecting on human nature. In these works we get a peek into the wide spectrum of feelings and characters that sweep us with them into a wondrous journey of feelings and senses.


Rina Maimon


Ron Agam